Pharmacy Automation Can Play a Role in Improving Patient Care




Pharmacy automation can help your pharmacist better serve their patients, which can result in customer retention, and improved front line care delivered by pharmacists, while providing opportunities for new revenue streams. 

According to The World Health Organization, medication adherence can directly impact patient outcomes more than the specific treatment itself, affecting the quality and length of life, health outcomes, and overall healthcare costs experienced by patients. It is estimated that nonadherence can account for up to 50% of treatment failures, approximately 125,000 deaths, and up to 25% of hospitalizations each year in the U.S. 

There are multiple ways that pharmacy automation can help improve medication adherence: 

  • Increase a patient’s on-hand supply to 90-days, especially for synchronized medications 
  • Improve patient choice and access to compliance packaging 
  • Allow enhanced delivery options 
  • Increase time available for pharmacists to educate patients

Several studies by The World Health Organization demonstrated that patients who received face-to-face counseling from a pharmacist improved their medication adherence. As pharmacy margins continue to shrink and pharmacists’ time continues to be limited, combining the supply, packaging, and delivery options offered by pharmacy automation with improved access to pharmacist counseling, could positively impact adherence and the quality of patient care. 

Positively impacting patient care 

In addition to improved medication adherence, the increased time available to a pharmacist provided by an automation solution can be focused on improving patient care through: 

  • Offering medication therapy management services 
  • Providing immunization programs and diagnostic testing 
  • Increasing adoption rates of compliance packaging through patient education 

It all comes down to front line care access 

The pharmacists’ role in patient care continues to shine through challenging times, further demonstrating the impact they can have in local communities when they have the time to focus their attention on patients. Patients know and trust their pharmacists and expect them to be highly accessible. There is demand for increased front line services and time spent on these additional services can help to create new revenue streams. 

To serve patients best, pharmacists must have the time they need to serve. Pharmacy fulfillment by iA creates that time. 

To learn more, contact us.


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